Minecraft gameservers Servers for the block game from Net9

16% Complete
Performance 100%
25% Complete
Player estimate 40
33% Complete
Lots of worlds requires lots of gigabytes of memory and this package has enough for about 4 Minecraft worlds. It's a good choice for midsize public server, and why not for a larger group of friends. We have estimated that it'll serve up to 40 players. We don't recommend running modpacks on 2GB of RAM, however a lot of modpacks will probably run fine on this one as well.
2GB Price 9.36/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
25% Complete
Performance 150%
37% Complete
Player amount 50
100% Complete
Good package for basic modpack gameplay. Modpacks and other modifications usually eat up your memory, but this package has enough memory to feed almost any modpack's hunger. In normal Minecraft gameplay this will serve up to 50 players.
3GB Price 12.88/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
16% Complete
Suorituskyky 200%
100% Complete
Pelaajamääräarvio 60
100% Complete
Korkean suorituskyvyn omaava palvelin erinomaisella lähes 5 GHz asti ylikellotetulla Intel i9-9900K-prosessorilla. Plus-sarjastamme löytyy potkua isommallekkin porukalle, joten tämä palvelin kykenee palvelimaan melko isoa katrasta pelaajia. Mahdollisten maailmojen määrä on tässä paketissa sama kuin normaalissa tuotesarjassa, mutta suorituskyvyssä on roima muutos parempaan päin.
2GB+ Price 15.90/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
33% Complete
Performance 150%
37% Complete
Player estimate 60
50% Complete
Powerful server for use in public modded servers or larger Minecraft-network adventures. Contains good amounts of memory and performance. In normal Minecraft gameplay this server will perform up to 60 players and 4GB of memory will not leave you cold.
4GB Price 15.96/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
50% Complete
Performance 200%
50% Complete
Player estimate 80
66% Complete
This package has enough RAM for almost any need. It will satisfy the memory needs of even the most memory hungry modpacks. You can stack worlds to your server like there's no tomorrow. The server is able to handle up to 80 simultaneous players.
6GB Price 21.32/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
25% Complete
Performance 300%
75% Complete
Player estimate 70
58% Complete
The plus-series 3GB server is one of the best servers for modpack gameplay, when a server is needed for a bit larger crowd. This package has large amounts of memory and excellent performance thanks to overclocked Intel i7 series processor. It will handle players up to 70.
3GB+ Price 21.92/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
100% Complete
Performance 200%
50% Complete
Player estimate 90
75% Complete
Does it feel like you're running out of memory? This package includes enough RAM for any of your needs. In other words, if your server runs out of 6GB of memory, we will simply add more on request without any fees. This server will handle players up to 90 and probably beyond, and there's enough memory to make your neighbor jealous.
Unlimited Price 23.48/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images
100% Complete
Performance 400%
100% Complete
Player estimate 120
100% Complete
When it feels that nothing is enough. This package contains shocking amounts of raw power, thanks to the overclocked up to 5 GHz Intel i7 series processor. You can't run out of memory, because we will add more memory on request if your server requires more memory than 6GB. We have searched, searched and searched and haven't been able to find more performant server on the planet for Minercaft. There simply doesn't seem to be a better processor for Minecraft server in this solar system, so 120 players should easily fit onto this beast.
Unlimited+ Price 40.60/mo Out of Stock
Included With Every Plan
  • Instant installation
  • Free subdomain
  • DDoS protection
  • MySQL databases
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Configurable player amount
Product images